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Name: Sean Gunn
Birthdate: 5-18-78
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 245 lbs.
Hometown: Virginia Beach, Virginia
Finisher: Head Crusher

mVw FAQ::

Here are mVw FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions) that we think might be useful to you. We will continue to add to this section as you ask more questions.

Q: What does mVw stand for? And why?

A: mVw stands for Maximum Velocity Wrestling. An interesting and different name to make the whole e-fed experience more fun.

Q: Is mVw an angle or roleplay based federation?

A: mVw is 1% angle and 99% roleplay. Roleplaying is the sole reason as to how you win a match, although...if I think you were tied with someone in roleplaying then I would go with what I thought made the angle better.

Q: What does mVw have that's so good?

A: Well as you can see we have a paycheck system, as you win matches, and do other things in the fed you can earn money. After you get certain ammounts you can spend it on different things. We also have a shopzone and magazine, we have Poser, CGI, and the best talent you can find.

Q: How many match gimmicks do you use?

A: I have about 1000 guideline gimmicks, but of course I can think of a lot more. Some current examples are Cage Match, Graveyard Match, Dumpster Match, Weapons Match etc.

Q: Can I use Real wrestlers or fake wrestlers?

A: You can use any wrestler's from WWF/ECW/WCW or you can make up a fake wrestler in which case you would have to fill-out a fake wrestler application.

Q: How are matches decided?

A: The CEO and the President read the roleplays and decide who should win the matches, although all matches are finally decided by the CEO.

Q: Will you be getting Flash?

A: I'm working on it, I am also looking for someone who knows how to use Flash if they would like to work for the mVw please e-mail the ceo

Q: I've just joined the mVw, how do I get a match?

A: Most of the new superstars that join the mVw will fight their first matches at house shows so they can show their talent and they have to work their way up to television appearances.

Q: I haven't got a match, but I want to be in an event.

A: Just be patient...there could be a lot of things going on at the moment, but we guarantee everyone who makes the cut to the mVw will eventually compete.

Q: When will the results be up?

A: Never ever ask us this, don't go on AIM or e-mail us asking when they will be up. We will get them up when we finish, the results will usually be posted on the day of the event, probably in the afternoon, or if a problem comes up early the next day.

Q:: Will the results come up in an e-mail or on the website

A: First, we send out the results to everyone on the list through e-mail. Then later on in the day, the results will be posted on the web-site.

Q: Is this a roleplay board or an e-mail based fed?

A: Strictly e-mail at the moment, but may be changed at a later date. As for now it is strictly e-mail.

Q: Why when I Roleplayed better, did my opponent still win?

A: We always try to judge Roleplays's fairly here in the mVw. We look for quality Roleplaying. not quantity! Wrestlers who make their Roleplay's longer by just inserting paragraphs of pointless things. For example doing all those pics and stuff and then writting like a huge paper on other stuff and two sentences that actually talk about the match will probably give you a loss. You need to concentrate on the match at hand to win a match here in the mVw. Of course you can talk about other things, but please don't go off of the track and start talking about your granma's cookies.