The mVw is working up towards their very
first pay-per-view event titled "The Beginning". As of right now
there are no plans for the pay-per-view as far as when it will be,
but we do know that it is going to be located at the mVw Arena in
Virginia Beach, Virginia stationed right next to the beach itself.
Tickets won't be on sale for a while, but check back for updates on
the pay-per-view. Also, by ordering the big pay-per-view event you
can win mVw "Shock WAV" the very first mVw CD with entrance themes
of all of your favorite wrestlers.
The big pay-per-view "The Beginning" looks to be
shaping up pretty good with a guaranteed match for the final match
that will decide the very first mVw World Heavyweight Champion.
Chris Raines himself stated that the ppv should be excellent with
also the International, High Voltage, and Hardcore Championship's
being decided. Who knows what will happen...make sure you check back
for updates on the pay-per-view.
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